The plan is to keep my shop open for paying projects so i am using a flat bed trailer to build a cradle on. I can pull it in and out of the shop at any time needed and with cradle, no change.
I use a spinning laser mounted to the transom, shoot down the keel, and level it off the chine edges from the stearn. Puts a imaginary cross hair down the boat from aft, forward. This will tell me if any twist in the hull..
First things first, get the platform flatbed trailer ready to set the boat on, then build the cradle.
Why so much worry on this one is, All the stringer need to come out and will form glass ones to replace the wood ones in this boat.
In looking at this one, it won't take much to foam under the deck but I like that idea down here in the Columbia river were you have all kinds of deadhead just under the water. If this boat ever hits one, it would have to come all the way though the hull up through the floor to take on water..
The plan is to sell the Uniflite and use my Bearcat on the back of the Bell Boy. All framework on the insides will be cedar sealed with two part epoxy sealer cut 40 percent with acetone (Witch I tested for penetration ) to keep it as light as possible. I have a little saltwater EZLoader trailer that it will rest on that is also very light weight.
It won't take much power to tow it around to the lakes we have down here.
So, first things first, prep the trailer for a cradle.
The last picture is the one we did at Island Boat Shop. Once it was delivered, I had never heard or seen it again, not sure what happened to it ??
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