Well gee, I've been working on this project Glasspar Del Mar, and wife is getting impatient. She does not like the small useable open boat I have, she wants a place to get out of the wind/weather and be able to "freshen up". I keep telling her it's because of all the "honey-do's" that are not giving me enough time to get things done on the boat.
(Whoa, was not the right thing to say)
So I thought I'd check and see if anyone has a useable as she sits, respectible condition (don't need a museum piece) cabin type boat similar to the Dorsett; Sabrecraft, Skagit, Hydro Swift, Glasspar Seafair, Bell Boy, Uniflite, or another Del Mar that is ready to go, minus trailer and outboard, that I could put the boat on my trailer and put my low hours freshwater 1966-65HP long shaft Merc w/power trim on and go out boating. Not a whole lot to spend, but semi motivated... Please, no paperwork hassles.. I'm in Astoria, Oregon; I can drive up to about 3 hours one way if need be..
I have an older EZ Loader roller trailer that is set up for 17 foot.
Thanks; in the mean time I'll keep plugging away..
(I love the vintage boats. These newer boats called "Cuddy Cabin's, to me just look like ski boats on steroids; besides these vintage boats are the boats I grew up on and have fond memories of.. So does that make me vintage also?)

So I thought I'd check and see if anyone has a useable as she sits, respectible condition (don't need a museum piece) cabin type boat similar to the Dorsett; Sabrecraft, Skagit, Hydro Swift, Glasspar Seafair, Bell Boy, Uniflite, or another Del Mar that is ready to go, minus trailer and outboard, that I could put the boat on my trailer and put my low hours freshwater 1966-65HP long shaft Merc w/power trim on and go out boating. Not a whole lot to spend, but semi motivated... Please, no paperwork hassles.. I'm in Astoria, Oregon; I can drive up to about 3 hours one way if need be..
I have an older EZ Loader roller trailer that is set up for 17 foot.
Thanks; in the mean time I'll keep plugging away..
(I love the vintage boats. These newer boats called "Cuddy Cabin's, to me just look like ski boats on steroids; besides these vintage boats are the boats I grew up on and have fond memories of.. So does that make me vintage also?)