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  • Winterizing?

    Brought the Bell boy home this weekend with the Yamaha four stroke on the transom. The plan was to lift it off with the tractor and put it on a stand in the garage for the winter.

    Wouldn't you know, last week the local crack heads stole the tractor.
    Now I have no way to lift it off the boat. What is the best way to prevent it from freezing and ruining the motor? I was thinking wrapping it in bubble wrap might work. Any suggestions?
    Lovely La Rue and the Kingston Kid

    Rhapsody - 2001 Classic Craft Gentleman's Racer (FOR SALE)
    Lil' Red - 1957 Bell Boy Express 18 ft Cruiser (someday!)

  • #2
    You really only have to raise and lower the motor a couple time to drain the water ,and you may open the flush hose port and blow some air thru it if really scared.
    An old moving blanket and tarp should keep it from getting too cold,a block heater would really be overkill but use if you have one on those few 10 nights we may see.
    Only seen lower units crack from water left lapping while moored in freshwater.....the case will open like a banana peel near prop but needs to be FULL of water that then freezes.If lower unit water drains are all free to flow,this never matters.Your new engine won`t have blocked off holes like a moored and cruddy one will.
    Sorry about the tractor......I have a chainfall to loan if you have a good tree or garage beam to pull from.
    I know of a spare "Sacrificial lamb "motor cover a buddy bought to replace for hp reasons....might go for $50.
    If mine,I`d pull the lower unit off to make storage and lifting just a little easier for you,plus harder for the metal collectors to harvest.
    unk.year 10` Mahogeny "DragonFly"racer
    15` SAFE boat w/120 hp Johnson
    SeaRay 175BR
    Hi-Laker lapline
    14` Trailorboat


    • #3
      Thanks Tim.

      I'm going to work on getting the Hydraulic Lift Hoist installed on my truck so I can get it on a stand in the garage. I probably have a while before the first big freeze.
      Lovely La Rue and the Kingston Kid

      Rhapsody - 2001 Classic Craft Gentleman's Racer (FOR SALE)
      Lil' Red - 1957 Bell Boy Express 18 ft Cruiser (someday!)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sammamish1, post: 19569
        Brought the Bell boy home this weekend with the Yamaha four stroke on the transom. The plan was to lift it off with the tractor and put it on a stand in the garage for the winter.

        Wouldn't you know, last week the local crack heads stole the tractor.
        Now I have no way to lift it off the boat. What is the best way to prevent it from freezing and ruining the motor? I was thinking wrapping it in bubble wrap might work. Any suggestions?
        Some of the fellas in colder climates use Sierra Antifreeze at 50% then connect a fill to the rabbit ears and start the motor till the fluid is thru. This antifreese is not like the standard that is harmful to animals.
        I use this on my IO as wells as my old wood Century Inboard.
        Ingvar Swedster
        Ingvar (Swedster) Carlson


        • #5
          Ingvar suggests a good remedy but with the Yamaha ,you could fill the block with that RV anti-freeze solution through the Flusher Hose port that is near the lower edge of the cowl platter.
          You could open a T-stat cover (small cover with 2-3 bolts),then fill the block from the flushing port until it pours out the t-stat area......assuming it goes that way.
          Or open that t-stat cover and hose port and just blow air thru it until Block is purged of any water.
          Still don`t think we have worry on the Outboard that hasn`t seen any water this year.
          unk.year 10` Mahogeny "DragonFly"racer
          15` SAFE boat w/120 hp Johnson
          SeaRay 175BR
          Hi-Laker lapline
          14` Trailorboat

