This is the only outboard I've ever owned with this HP so I can't compare it to any other, everything I've owned had been much smaller. We ran it up to 24mph about top speed with the 55hp and then I hit it WOT, :Scared1: On the lake I got 34 mph, on the river it was 33mph. It's topping out at 4000rpm so there's probably a prop change in order and I didn't check before this run if I was getting full throttle. My son has been out several times with the 55hp and was quite impressed today. It idles perfect and runs strong, it's come a long way.VeryBigSmile
Wish I could have had some video shot from outside the boat, but here's some inside video. [nomedia=""]YouTube - Bearcat 85hp on the Columbia[/nomedia]
Wish I could have had some video shot from outside the boat, but here's some inside video. [nomedia=""]YouTube - Bearcat 85hp on the Columbia[/nomedia]