My dad had a poor and degrading thermopaper copy of a 55 manual, made from a long lost neighbor's manual. I have searched for a copy of the manual for years with no luck. This summer I inquired with a technician at a Michigan marina that used to sell Bearcat/Whaler. He went to a back room and pulled out his old dusty, greasy paper manuals and there it was, so I believe it was a manual available to technicians rather than the general public. He graciously had an assistant scan and email each page to me. Unfortunately they were large image files, and a couple pages were missing. I’ve converted each file to PDF and combined them, inserting scans of my poor quality version for the missing pages. I find this 77 page manual more helpful than the commonly available one and want to make it available to other Bearcat fans, and this seems to be the most active Bearcat forum. The contents page is posted here. The full file (126 Mb) is hosted on a work server, but only for one week before it is automatically deleted. It can be downloaded at the address below. It takes a couple minutes to download so be patient. Do others have this manual?