Ok you've all been a great help
on this odessy( corroided wire harnesses, bad sw. box/rectifyer,stuck impellers,clogged pee hole). I've fixed all these.
Yesterday I took the boat and motor to a local lake and power tested it on the launch ramp( I don't trust this motor to take it out on the lake yet!).
Ok it starts and idles(purrs) just fine. Shifts in/out of gear fine, pumps water fine.
.......At full throttle it does not seem to have the sound of a healthy all out great running machine. I don't have a tach for it, but I can tell she's just not winding out!
I'm about to quit and sell this whole thing "As Is"
Two "marine repair?<more like paying a traffic fine!>shops haven't helped in the past so I'm not putting more hard$$ into this thing.
What Is the "SINGLE" most cause for this? I'll try one more session of tinkering w/it if I get a consensus>
these old Mercs(72' 500,50Hp) are just a big hole in the H20 to trhow $$ into!

Yesterday I took the boat and motor to a local lake and power tested it on the launch ramp( I don't trust this motor to take it out on the lake yet!).
Ok it starts and idles(purrs) just fine. Shifts in/out of gear fine, pumps water fine.


I'm about to quit and sell this whole thing "As Is"
Two "marine repair?<more like paying a traffic fine!>shops haven't helped in the past so I'm not putting more hard$$ into this thing.

What Is the "SINGLE" most cause for this? I'll try one more session of tinkering w/it if I get a consensus>
