I have a phone number for John Meyer, some may know him from Seattle Outboard racing. He has as of last week two Merc. fifties, of the white era. 1-425-485-6139. Kenmore area. Andy
No announcement yet.
Welcome Aboard, Thom...
We'll be adding a note to the Restoration Resources section on Dr. Frankenmerc's business, but in the meantime here's a photo of the Wizard of Stackdom with one of his personal favorites, a six-cylinder racing engine.
- MartyAttached Fileshttp://www.pocketyachters.com
"If a man is to be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most." - E. B. White
Looks like Mark? or somebody? fixed me up 'cause my hot rod g3 picture is up by my moniker. PERFECT!!
I would call the lil 500 a cloud white short stack.I have one just like it if you decide you want twins. N-Yuk N-Yuk N-Yuk
I wish I could retire and work on these oldie Mercs all the time, but reality still rears its ugly head.
ThomDoc Frankenmerc
Keeping Mercs alive since 1965
Originally posted by Dr_Frankenmerc, post: 7738Joe,
Looks like Mark? or somebody? fixed me up 'cause my hot rod g3 picture is up by my moniker. PERFECT!!
I would call the lil 500 a cloud white short stack.I have one just like it if you decide you want twins. N-Yuk N-Yuk N-Yuk
I wish I could retire and work on these oldie Mercs all the time, but reality still rears its ugly head.
ThomCloud White, Short Stack
I will send you a PM (Privet Message) on the Merc lower unit.Helmar Joe Johanesen
1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12
Our Sister club
Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??