Tara and I with the Tabu will be attending, We will be coming from the Center for wooden boats as we will be spending the night at the dock. The Classic Yatch ass. is having its new years party on the Virgina 5.
If any one would like to ride over with us give me a call 206-920-2196 We could also take any one out for a ride after the event like we have done in years past.
Tabu is a 1940 42ft Chris Craft, she was named Tabu as she was lanched durring WW2 and there was gas rationing and it was "tabu" to be burning fuel.
Jay G
If any one would like to ride over with us give me a call 206-920-2196 We could also take any one out for a ride after the event like we have done in years past.
Tabu is a 1940 42ft Chris Craft, she was named Tabu as she was lanched durring WW2 and there was gas rationing and it was "tabu" to be burning fuel.
Jay G