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Getting on the water...

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  • Getting on the water...

    All of us staring at the screen this morning are missing out on the 2010 Spring Tune-up Run on Lake Sammamish. Not to mention Jack's famous "burned meat".

    The natural question we should ask is: WHY??

    Out of State/Country: you get a free pass.
    Vegetarians, vegans: free pass
    Working: fine, free pass
    Broke: No pass!, you could hitch a ride anytime

    The rest of us have some splainin' to do. My excuse of being sick only holds water; when I reason that being flat on my back the last few days, kept me from preparing the boat I was to splash this morning. Otherwise, I have zero legitimate excuses that none of my 5 (or so:BigWink1 boats are water ready. In order to assuage my guilt and frustration, I have prepared a short manifesto of personal benchmarks for this Classic Boating Season....and hope that you do the same.

    In order to justify the continuing existence of numerous boats in my realm, and to mollify the classic boat gods-I pledge the following:

    "Complete final assembly of '61 GlastronJet for debut on Opening Day. Since '63 Stiletto "slough runner" wasn't ready in time for the Slough Run, disassemble and prepare for paint and trim, to be water ready by July 15. Strip and dispose of two "throwaway" parts boats, before beginning transom and floor work on '55 Bell Boy 16...making sure not to get carried away on this one.
    Voilla, three floating boats, a happy wife and some water time!"

    What are you working on?CutUp1:Underconstruction1:

  • #2
    Well, I have a pretty good excuse. The annual membership meeting of the little community in which I live is on today. They always fight like cats and dogs at these. You don't want to miss a good fist fight now, do you? In the first three hours, only one member rose th threaten to throw punches at another one. His friends restrained him. So, I got bored and came home. Now too late to drive to Lake Sammamish. Actually, I would rather have been there than here although our meeting place is on a point on Hale's Passage looking across the water at Bellingham and Mt. Baker so I could look out and day dream about being on the water instead of sitting in a room full of bickering people!
    There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness.":shocked4:

    1957 Skagit Express Cruiser Rosario


    • #3

      We missed you guys, but we tried to have fun anyway!


      • #4
        Fair enough, Tim...

        Jerry, you get a pass, I may have chosen the fight disguised as a neighborhood meeting also.:angry2::Shocked::GoodJob:

        Anyone else?


        • #5
          I went to the Portland swap meet. My first time attending and well worth it! Do I get a pass Greg?

          I'm planning to resume work on the BB16 soon. The rate I'm going it'll be likely a mid/late summer launching...
          Silverdale, WA.
          1956 BellBoy Express 16


          • #6
            No valid excuse.

            I really don't have any valid excuse in anyones eyes but mine.

            I was working on boats, this time, Mine.
            The good wife is done riding in the Skimaster as the top is just to low for her SO, I have been working towards getting the Uniflite ready.

            Too many projects around here Including the boats which also saps away just about every dime I can muster.

            I guess the first chance I get, I need to hurry and get some of them done huh :Shocked:
            Helmar Joe Johanesen
            1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
            1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
            Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
            2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

            Our Sister club

            Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??


            • #7
              Tough love-Hall monitor...

              Hey guys, I'm not the mall cop-I'll leave any final determination to your conscience...and the boat gods. But since you asked...

              Mark- Since we're all dying to see the fruits of your boat restoration labor, we'll need some progress pics or "proof of procurement" of any swap meet finds before passing judgement. You are on probation since you tore apart a perfectly sweet boat! :TakePicture1:

              Joe- You get a lifetime free pass-just because! BUT, we do look forward to seeing you soon...(I will be picking up Carol's favorite Skagit 17 lawn ornament at your convenience this week-by the way)



              • #8
                Here's my story and I' sticking to it!

                We were invited to help celebrate our daughter and son in laws anniversary at a condo at Crescent Bar on the Colombia near Quincy Wa. Cool thought I, won't have to pull the travel trailer so naturally the boat could cover the empty hitch right? Made all the plans for some spring cruising.
                Awoke thursday to snow on the ground here at the house.Debated with myself all morning, should I or shouldn't I. For once better judgment took hold. By the time we got to North Bend, it was snowing pretty good, but about half way up the pass it was nearly a white out! We got stuck behind some big rigs that neglected to observe the signs to chain-up and were artfully arranged in various stages stuck for several miles.
                We managed to weave our way slowly through the mess. When we were nearly at the summit I could see head lights approaching rapidly from behind.Guessing it must be some kind of emergency vehicle, I eased over to the inside (slow) lane. This Dude came dieseling by me pulling about 22plus feet of alum. jet boat, like I was backing up! I was just thinking, You Da Man when a curtain of sloppy slush obliterated what little sight was available. Needles to say my wife was handily impressed with his Nascar like passing and he was soon out of sight.
                We made the summit and over without incident. By the time we got to E.burg the sun was out.
                I spent the next couple of days on the deck, looking longingly at that Colombia impound wishing I had a boat to put in it. Next time. - Ross
                Ross Henson


                • #9
                  Originally posted by slo-mo, post: 10379
                  Hey guys, I'm not the mall cop-I'll leave any final determination to your conscience...and the boat gods. But since you asked...

                  Mark- Since we're all dying to see the fruits of your boat restoration labor, we'll need some progress pics or "proof of procurement" of any swap meet finds before passing judgement. You are on probation since you tore apart a perfectly sweet boat! :TakePicture1:

                  Joe- You get a lifetime free pass-just because! BUT, we do look forward to seeing you soon...(I will be picking up Carol's favorite Skagit 17 lawn ornament at your convenience this week-by the way)

                  Greg, I answered your email :email1:
                  Helmar Joe Johanesen
                  1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
                  1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
                  Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
                  2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

                  Our Sister club

                  Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??


                  • #10
                    Only excuse I have is pretty lame considering I have a perfectly good running glassic...

                    But I can only work on the Chris Craft on the weekends (its 75 miles from home at my parents, dad is marine mechanic and has every tool I could ever possibly need and knows chris crafts better than he knows his own children) and the Chris Craft has to be ready for opening day or the fiance will have me sleeping the vanagon all summer...:doghouse1:
                    Brian Flaherty

                    "How can you discover great lands, with your feet planted in the sand"

                    1969 Chris Craft Cavalier 17 Ski Boat "Tupperware"
                    1965 Performer Havoc (sold)

