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Seeking HELP - Windshield & Cabin Windows

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  • #16

    Hey guys.
    Myself I really don't give a rip if people mention members advertising or helping in ways but rules are supposed to be rules I guess.

    I just want to finish this as I think I remember someone sharing a website address of there own ventures But we don't have too.

    Again, myself, go for it Middy plastics, Wefco rubber, whatever it takes to keep these boats in the water.
    Problem is, were do we draw the line?

    The Plan here is to Sell advertising to the Big boat places, such as West Marine, Boaters world, Fiberlay, big companies.

    For me, if its US Paid members telling other members or offering what we do to other members, its ok by me.

    As Dennis Miller would say, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong
    But remember, I am the cranky ol biker fart that is running this thing and don't take directions or authority very well.

    (boy, am I going to catch hell on this one :eek
    Helmar Joe Johanesen
    1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
    1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
    Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
    2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

    Our Sister club

    Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??


    • #17
      Hey Helmar, tried to PM you...couldn't resist asking, what do you ride?


      • #18
        Originally posted by BB404, post: 1254
        Hey Helmar, tried to PM you...couldn't resist asking, what do you ride?
        Last scooter was a soft tail classic. I like the older looking stuff. Reminded me of my pan head but didn't break down like my pan did all the time.
        Helmar Joe Johanesen
        1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
        1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
        Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
        2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

        Our Sister club

        Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??


        • #19

          Originally posted by Helmar, post: 1253
          Hey guys.
          Myself I really don't give a rip if people mention members advertising or helping in ways but rules are supposed to be rules I guess.

          I just want to finish this as I think I remember someone sharing a website address of there own ventures But we don't have too.

          Again, myself, go for it Middy plastics, Wefco rubber, whatever it takes to keep these boats in the water.
          Problem is, were do we draw the line?

          The Plan here is to Sell advertising to the Big boat places, such as West Marine, Boaters world, Fiberlay, big companies.

          For me, if its US Paid members telling other members or offering what we do to other members, its ok by me.

          As Dennis Miller would say, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong
          But remember, I am the cranky ol biker fart that is running this thing and don't take directions or authority very well.

          (boy, am I going to catch hell on this one :eek
          From one old cranky biker fart to another, RIGHT ON! Barry


          • #20
            My ears are burning LOL Anyone here have an Indian?


            • #21
              Hey all...

              I talked with Jack Henriot (He was with Skagit Plastics from the beginning and was in charge of liquidating the co. assets when they went under), by phone today. What a great guy! Very helpful and I enjoyed my talk. I'm gonna set up a time to sit with him and talk classic boats someday (soon I hope).
              Anyway, I told him about my '59 Offshore and my windshield. He immediately told me it was from a '55 or (since I had one of the last ones made) '58 Ford. I was amazed at his powers of recollection! I can't remember my kids birthdays let alone the grandkids and here this 85 yr. old can remember details like that!
              When we talked about my cabin windows he told me that the aluminum trim was custom made for Skagit Plastice by a Seattle company. He said that even if I were extreely careful the odds were that I would ruin it taking it off to get at the cabin windows. It is truly irreplaceable unless I can locate a basket model to steal from. (Those of you with other '59 20'ers take note...Don't look for me if your trim comes up missing!)
              Jack did wish me luck in my restoration and said he still misses the boats sometimes. My guess is he really loved the business.

              Long story shortened....The glass place ordered my '55 Ford window today and I'll know on Thurs. how accurrate Jack's memory is.

              Terry B.
              Terry Baker - Oak Harbor

              1959 Skagit 20 Offshore


              • #22
                Excellant! Glad to hear that not only did you get the info but that you had a chance to speak with him. Anyone here know any of the other local big names like Art Nortvedt?


                • #23
                  Jack Henriot and Skagit Glass

                  Terry -

                  Really glad to hear you were able to get in touch with Jack Henriot, and that's he doing well.

                  The general word-on-the-water has always been that the 20 Skagits used '55 Ford windshield glass, so it'll be great to hear confirmation of that story.

                  Oh, and to Tim Jones, I'm sorry if you took my comment to Terry as a blatant advertisement. About the last thing we like doing is cutting, bending and fitting plexiglass windshields, so it really wasn't my intention to promote business--just trying to help a fellow boater get his windshield fixed. I'd be very happy if everybody went to Middy, bought '55 Ford windshields, or found their own additional ways to cut and fit plexiglass. And if you've noticed, we've been careful--for years--not to flog our business on this website, on FGNW's message board, or before that on the Classic Skagit Boat Club website. When you see our business mentioned, it's almost always by other members...not by us.

                  - Marty

                  "If a man is to be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most." - E. B. White


                  • #24
                    Yeah Marty he was great! Very cheerful and helpful. If it's possible and he's up to it I think when I'm done with my boat I'd like to see if I can get him on the water for a day cruise.

                    Now I'm kind of anxious to see that windshield on Thurs.
                    Terry B.
                    Terry Baker - Oak Harbor

                    1959 Skagit 20 Offshore


                    • #25
                      59 Skagit Windshield

                      Originally posted by ternkeim, post: 1268
                      Hey all...

                      I talked with Jack Henriot (He was with Skagit Plastics from the beginning and was in charge of liquidating the co. assets when they went under), by phone today. What a great guy! Very helpful and I enjoyed my talk. I'm gonna set up a time to sit with him and talk classic boats someday (soon I hope).
                      Anyway, I told him about my '59 Offshore and my windshield. He immediately told me it was from a '55 or (since I had one of the last ones made) '58 Ford. I was amazed at his powers of recollection! I can't remember my kids birthdays let alone the grandkids and here this 85 yr. old can remember details like that!
                      When we talked about my cabin windows he told me that the aluminum trim was custom made for Skagit Plastice by a Seattle company. He said that even if I were extreely careful the odds were that I would ruin it taking it off to get at the cabin windows. It is truly irreplaceable unless I can locate a basket model to steal from. (Those of you with other '59 20'ers take note...Don't look for me if your trim comes up missing!)
                      Jack did wish me luck in my restoration and said he still misses the boats sometimes. My guess is he really loved the business.

                      Long story shortened....The glass place ordered my '55 Ford window today and I'll know on Thurs. how accurrate Jack's memory is.

                      Terry B.
                      Hey Terry.
                      I grew up working in my dads wrecking yard.
                      Seems to me that the 55 - 57 was the same windshield and 58 was a tad wider due to the 58 Ford going Wide Track ( so they called it ) just like the Chevys did.
                      I heard the Ford Truck windshield but they look like they might be taller than the cars.

                      I too am interested in knowing if that fits your boat as I have the same boat with a good but scratched by the wiper blade, windshield.

                      I came crashing down on a wave with a big Boom and also most lost my windshield from the bottom slipping out. Right now, the wiper motors have tabs on them with a pressure point to help move the windshield back into place, But, I need new rubber for mine.

                      I hope you do keep that boat and fix it up as you will find, they are heavy but built like a tank, makes them safer in the water, can take more of a pounding.

                      I also have one of the last Fiberform 24 footers that looks like a bayliner but I would bet the bayliner only uses half the material used to build the Fiberform we have.

                      Look at it this way. You have a Classic. No more deprecation.
                      You have a Much safer boat than this new crap I keep seeing at the boat show for Much less the cost.
                      That is pretty hard to beat in my book.
                      Helmar Joe Johanesen
                      1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
                      1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
                      Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
                      2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

                      Our Sister club

                      Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Helmar, post: 1277
                        You have a Much safer boat than this new crap I keep seeing at the boat show for Much less the cost.
                        That is pretty hard to beat in my book.
                        I hear ya, Joe- Try telling that to the younger folks who seem to think- If it's not NEW it ain't worth a s**t...

                        (Yes, this is one of my "hot buttons")
                        "The beatings will continue until moral improves..."

                        Pat Drewery


                        • #27
                          I'll probably be keeping it.

                          I did forget to pass along 1 more important little detail I got from Jack.

                          It seems that even the split window boats (earlier models), were from '55 Ford. He said the company would order cracked windshields from Ford and the cut them in half. Then fit them into the split frame.
                          I found this to be a very interesting rather ingenious use for what would have been tossed away.

                          Terry B.
                          Terry Baker - Oak Harbor

                          1959 Skagit 20 Offshore


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Helmar, post: 1277
                            Hey Terry.
                            I grew up working in my dads wrecking yard.
                            Seems to me that the 55 - 57 was the same windshield and 58 was a tad wider due to the 58 Ford going Wide Track ( so they called it ) just like the Chevys did.
                            I heard the Ford Truck windshield but they look like they might be taller than the cars.

                            I too am interested in knowing if that fits your boat as I have the same boat with a good but scratched by the wiper blade, windshield.

                            I can crashing down on a wave with a big Boom and also most lost my windshield from the bottom slipping out. Right now, the wiper motors have tabs on them with a pressure point to help move the windshield back into place, But, I need new rubber for mine.

                            I hope you do keep that boat and fix it up as you will find, they are heavy but built like a tank, makes them safer in the water, can take more of a pounding.

                            I also have one of the last Fiberform 24 footers that looks like a bayliner but I would bet the bayliner only uses half the material used to build the Fiberform we have.

                            Look at it this way. You have a Classic. No more deprecation.
                            You have a Much safer boat than this new crap I keep seeing at the boat show for Much less the cost.
                            That is pretty hard to beat in my book.


                            I replaced the rubber in mine about 6 yrs. ago.

                            Terry Baker - Oak Harbor

                            1959 Skagit 20 Offshore


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Captain Jack, post: 1285
                              I hear ya, Joe- Try telling that to the younger folks who seem to think- If it's not NEW it ain't worth a s**t...

                              (Yes, this is one of my "hot buttons")
                              That is why I ignore them as I could give a rats rear what they think.
                              Once they grow up, they will understand what Classic means.
                              Not into cookie cutter rice grinders with snorty pipes either. They seem to like those. I just smile at them when they talk.
                              Helmar Joe Johanesen
                              1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
                              1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
                              Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
                              2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

                              Our Sister club

                              Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??


                              • #30
                                55 Ford Car is not correct

                                OK...The 55 Ford CAR windshield was the wrong one. Ordering a Truck windshield next. ...and I was really hoping to get it changed today too.
                                I'll keep ya posted!

                                Terry B.
                                Terry Baker - Oak Harbor

                                1959 Skagit 20 Offshore

