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Went last night to see "Olympus has fallen"

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  • Went last night to see "Olympus has fallen"

    Went to see "Olympus has fallen.". I'm here to tell you if you like the Tom Clancy genre you will love this. A fired Secret Service agent redeems himself in absolutely spectacular fashion. The bad guys from some peninsular country in the Far East are threatening to create all sorts of Goldfinger like mayhem with our nuclear arsenal. Great strategy moves, insane villains and a ridiculously absurd plot that nearly works.

    I give it a sniper's 1 inch group at 800 yards. (Which ain't bad. Highly recommended!)
    :Good one:

    14 Skagit Sportster Blue (formerly red)
    16 Skagit Skimaster (blue)
    17 Skagit

    18 Skagit Runabout (1961?)

  • #2
    Are there any classic boats in the movie ? If not I'd give it 2 thumbs down


    • #3
      You are absolutely right, I goofed up and put this in the wrong forum. Will try to do better in the future. It should have been in the "Flotsam and Jetsam" forum.

      That doesn't mean however that it's not worth seeing if you like adventure movies.

      14 Skagit Sportster Blue (formerly red)
      16 Skagit Skimaster (blue)
      17 Skagit

      18 Skagit Runabout (1961?)

