I guess the windshield God's did not want me to take the windshield off the Skagit I had plan to take it off and reinstall it back on after working on it in the garage to sand along with filling some extra hole's that had been drill into it in the past and painting it. What i found out after taking out 62 screws,washers and nuts , someone along the line had just about super glued it down .So i guess i will be working on it in the shelter on the boat after all and one way to look at it, it will not be leaking anytime soon. Sheila was even out there on the ladder holding the screwdriver on the screw heads as i was loosen the nuts in the cabin roof. That has to be a first ! I also pick up a water tank to make into a glove box and will take the hatch cover off and work on those two thing in the garage.My idea was to get some of the extra parts sanded and painted now so when it came time to paint the boat in the Spring these parts will be ready to be put on after.
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Windshield Stays on