We've not been happy with the current Xenforo software for some time. We have therefore decided to change our forum software back to vBulletin. This will affect everybody but the impact should be small. Here's what it means:
We'll do everything we can to make the transition as painless as we can.
- Between now and this coming Saturday you should make sure that your profile has the correct email address. To do that, look at the top of the page. You'll see your name. Hover (hold you mouse over without clicking) on that, and one of the options will be "contact details". Click that.
- On Sunday morning the current site will go offline.
- I expect it to take between two and four hours to get the new site live. Your personal information and posts will come across. But not your password. Those cannot be imported.
- After the new software is live you will need to click on the "lost password" link. That will send you a link to reset your password. IF YOUR EMAIL IS WRONG YOU WON'T GET THIS EMAIL AND CAN'T LOG IN.
- Expect that for a few days the site will probably have some minor problems.
We'll do everything we can to make the transition as painless as we can.