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May 30th

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  • May 30th

    Some members of Classic boats Northwest have been planning an exploration of Cypress Island on the 30th of May for the last 2 months. This is not a club event, but just a gathering of friends who happen to belong to Northwest Classic boats. May 30th was picked specifically so as not to interfere with Northwest Classic boats. Since the Lake Taps event has been changed from the 23rd to the 30th, it now interferes. It is too late to change our dates. I hope that noone is unhappy with the conflict in dates as it was unintentional on both parties. I will defend our right to go boating with others outside of the club schedule. The last time some of us went boating outside of the club that happened to be on a date that the club had an event, we had postings erased from FGNW and a rift in the club was widened. I hope everyone has a great time at Lake Taps and I hope that no hard feelings are created by this conflict in events. Clint

  • #2
    Clint -

    Brian Franchini, who's organizing Lake Tapps, changed the event to the 30th quite awhile ago, and the change was made on the Calendar that appears as part of this Message Board...but we failed to make the change on the other Calendar--the one accessed via the Home Page--until this morning.

    Sorry for the confusion, and no problem with the Cypress overlap. I hope you'll post more details on your event here, under the Events Discussion area.

    - Marty

    "If a man is to be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most." - E. B. White

