I am sorry I am even writing this but this takes all the fun out of all the effort and time we put into this thing.
We have set up the forum software so that anyone that pays with Paypal, it records the date and time. I do Not remember getting any support money via the mail for quite some time as I plug that into the system to track.
Without the Annual meeting where a lot of you folks would pay to support your club, we lost that support money for the clubs bills.
What is sad, we 46 Active members and it shows we only have 6 supporting members. At least Two of you folks have paid Twice this year too!!
Some of you active members posting, you have not paid dues the last two or more years.
I will work with Ed and see if we can get this software to send out some possible gentle reminder that if you want to continue to support your club, its time to help.
Our bills start coming due between September and December and we do not have enough funds to cover them.
I have mentioned that I have not had the funds to file our taxes for the last two years either.
We have not changed the paypal link on the forum to the newer paypal business account so its still going into my paypal if you decide to use that, which I have to explain that to the IRS and track it all.
So if you want this club site to keep going we need a few more members to step up to the plate and pay this years dues.
Our business Paypal account is Helmar@classicboatclub.com.
Again, sorry I even have to type this out and press Post. Its been setting in front of me for at least a hour but what the hell. I can't afford this any longer.
Any comments, suggestions ??

We have set up the forum software so that anyone that pays with Paypal, it records the date and time. I do Not remember getting any support money via the mail for quite some time as I plug that into the system to track.
Without the Annual meeting where a lot of you folks would pay to support your club, we lost that support money for the clubs bills.
What is sad, we 46 Active members and it shows we only have 6 supporting members. At least Two of you folks have paid Twice this year too!!
Some of you active members posting, you have not paid dues the last two or more years.
I will work with Ed and see if we can get this software to send out some possible gentle reminder that if you want to continue to support your club, its time to help.
Our bills start coming due between September and December and we do not have enough funds to cover them.
I have mentioned that I have not had the funds to file our taxes for the last two years either.
We have not changed the paypal link on the forum to the newer paypal business account so its still going into my paypal if you decide to use that, which I have to explain that to the IRS and track it all.
So if you want this club site to keep going we need a few more members to step up to the plate and pay this years dues.
Our business Paypal account is Helmar@classicboatclub.com.
Again, sorry I even have to type this out and press Post. Its been setting in front of me for at least a hour but what the hell. I can't afford this any longer.
Any comments, suggestions ??
