After having my starboard fuel tank rupture while heading out to Cypress Island, it became quite clear that 50 years is too long to trust the old fiberglass tanks. So, yesterday I took my starboard tank up to Bellingham at Coastline Equipment and ordered two new aluminium tanks. They are using my old tank as a template for the new tanks. If you have a 1959 Skagit with the saddle tanks and are looking to replace yours, I suggest you call them and order two more tanks using my template. The cost is $360 each tank. You can reach them @ 360-734-8509. May seem expensive but I will be able to simply put the new tanks in place, screw them in and hook up the hoses and I will be ready to go. Moeller makes great plastic tanks but they do not have the connections in the right places and they don't do custom orders. I think the Moeller tanks were about $230 before the customizing you will have to do. By the way, my tanks were not glassed in place as one might suspect. They were simply resting against a frame and were screwed into place by a total of 4 small screws. Took me ten minutes to remove them.
Greg Jr.
Greg Jr.