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Fiberglassics is up for sale- Dam

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  • Fiberglassics is up for sale- Dam

    Just saw it on fiberglassics posted by Kelly that the site is up for sale.
    I don't care who buys it it will never be the same. I got my start there about 5 years ago. Well we got this site and GSG so we can still chug along.
    Red sails at night a sailors delight Red sails in the morn sailors be warned

  • #2
    I think we will all keep an eye on, that will happen to Fiberglassic site.
    It was (is) 1 of the first and best known glasshead sites in the world.
    Not sure if I should be Sad,mad,glad,or just surprised! Mr. Wood has Done an admirable job in bringing together, many fine people of like minds. I for 1 have used the site for yrs, for info on old boats, I hope, who ever take over,keeps it in a like format. Here is a link to the ad
    hope it works!!


    • #3
      FG Forums - Gone

      Well, now the forums and links to the forums have disappeared from the Fiberglassics site.

      What a bummer, I guess Kelly decided to pull the plug?

      Hopefully this is only temporary.


      • #4
        I tried to call Kelly a bunch of times and no answer so dont know what is going on.
        Red sails at night a sailors delight Red sails in the morn sailors be warned


        • #5
          Go to the main page of the FG site, click the NEWS button.
          There you'll find all current information about the site and his plans.

          in Denver


          • #6

            No evidence in the FG News section that FiberGlassics is actively for sale. Kelly says he's had a few offers, but "nothing serious."

            I gather, from Kelly's comments in the News section, that some other websites have been sniping at him, and/or appropriating material from FiberGlassics without credit.

   you want to comment here about the website-sale rumors, or other subjects?

            - Marty

            "If a man is to be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most." - E. B. White


            • #7
              For those that want to know

              I talked to Kelly this morning and he said to email him or read the news page
              Kelly Wood" <> or here
              Red sails at night a sailors delight Red sails in the morn sailors be warned


              • #8
                No More FG Forums

                A Fiberglassics friend of mine who is pretty close to Sandi says the reworked Fiberglassics site will not have any forums. - sad.


                • #9
                  I've frequently seen complaints on there about 'other sites' talking trash about fiberglassics. What are those other sites? (if it's ok to ask, if it's not, I apologize).

                  I was really glad when this site started up, I think this is a really nice group of people without the drama. I'm really anti-drama.


                  • #10
                    Other forum sites

                    Big Fin Boats is one:

                    The Classic Boathouse is another:

                    These are both started from former fiberglassics members that left fg over misunderstandings for one reason or another.


                    • #11
                      Hi folks.

                      I know that this post will get around. So when it does, please understand that it is exactly what I'm about to say. It's not a stunt.

                      Allow me to set a few things straight here. Like the news page on my site says, "ask me."... but only 2 people have actually emailed me.... yet all over the internet on other boating sites is nothing but speculation and slams. Don't get me wrong, there's positive too but after 10 years of positive ... the negative hits much harder.

                      For years I'd contemplated shutting it down because I was simply getting tired of the bull that happened on the forums. With a very full life, and my wife Sandi getting a full time job recently, the moderation of the forums became non-exisitant and went downhill.

                      You see, I'm the kind of person that shoots from the hip most of the time. Things in my life just fall into place usually and that's always worked for me. Sure, there's failure from time to time but my failures rip me apart so much that I mentally crash. It was only a matter of time. Add all that to a bunch of other problems in my personal life (usually self-inflicted) and you end up with one sad guy.

                      A few weeks ago, I actually broke down and froze for the first time in my life. I took a long look at everything.

                      But, a usual, I pop back out of it and pick up the pieces. I reconfigure things and come out standing every time. Such is life I guess.

                      For those wondering... Yes, I have a plan. Just as the site name came to me one day, I knew what to do.

                      We'll back up a bit. A few weeks back, I posted that the site was for sale. I was at the end and just didn't want to do anything anymore. There was a straw that broke the camels back too. It revolved around a post that was so irresponsible it just floored me. I never saw it coming. I made no demands on price becuase I have no clue what to do there. I'm not a business man, never have been. Some offers came up and I suppose I could have persued them but something in the back of my head said "Wait..."

                      I looked back through my mental scrapbook and realized where it went wrong.

                      My next stunt was to shut down the forums and remove the problem from my mind. I get distracted sometimes and never finish what I start, so knowing that I took action. They're not gone, just off.

                      Predictably, the back channel chatter started up again. A few other sites were ablaze with comments. (probably alot) The ones that usually sit and throw stones were there in force, vomiting up every incident they could remember (and they went back to the beginning) If I cared, I'd have sent them a case of toilet paper so they could all wipe themselves. Like viruses & trojans, these guys are always going to be there. You can block them, but they're always there constantly rehashing every damn thing and fulfilling their one purpose in life... to make themselves miserable and take everyone they can on the trip with them. They don't know any better and never get past it. The REALLY funny thing about all that chatter... is that it has shot the rankings of FG through the roof and they don't even realize it. The naysayers helped me without even knowing it. The backlash from my actions paid off ... and it wasn't planned. Bad people always get theirs.

                      So here I am now with a push to reconfigure things and shoot for a new level. See there's that word again, reconfigure. I figure If I ever do try to sell it, I better put it in a place where it shows its status and its value. With the economy, it's not the right time anyway. But it sure gave me a good pulse check. Nothing like hucking some weight overboard and hooking it to someone elses boat huh?

                      My site will go on as the informational site but with a different attitude. I'm gonna have a little fun with it and launch it to a completely new level. If those other sites want the forum traffic, they can have it. I'm sure a forum of sorts will return to FiberGlassics soon, but it will be a bit.



                      • #12
                        Kelley, I appreciate your direct response. I've never been to those other sites, and I don't know about the trash talking. I have enjoyed the fiberglassics site, all the useful brochures and history info, and gotten a lot of good advice on the forums. I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without it.

                        I think when you set up an online forums you present a place for a community to form. People share information and get to know each other. When the forums dissapear it's bound to create a lot of interest. People have to figure out where they will go to get back in touch. And all the good advice they archived there are gone. So everyone involved feels like they have a stake in it.

                        I think you've done a fine job, I wish you luck in whatever your next move is, and I hope you find a way to have fun doing it! Hopefully all the great information shared in the forums will be available for people to at least browse through again and reference before too long.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by stefrobrts, post: 4282
                          I've frequently seen complaints on there about 'other sites' talking trash about fiberglassics. What are those other sites? (if it's ok to ask, if it's not, I apologize).

                          I was really glad when this site started up, I think this is a really nice group of people without the drama. I'm really anti-drama.

