When you folks decided to go on your own, needless to say, we here at GSG were dumbfounded when F/G closed down the other chapters.
We stand here now on the threshold of our own brand new and exciting enterprise hoping to follow in your footsteps in trying to preserve the hobby/sport and all the friendships we have come to enjoy over the last few years.
You are an inspiration and a beacon for us and others to follow in the pursuit of our passion.
Good Luck to you all in your endeavor and wish us luck as we try to follow your example!
We'll be rooting for you and probably asking for your help from time to time.
Jim Barker
member GSG
We stand here now on the threshold of our own brand new and exciting enterprise hoping to follow in your footsteps in trying to preserve the hobby/sport and all the friendships we have come to enjoy over the last few years.
You are an inspiration and a beacon for us and others to follow in the pursuit of our passion.
Good Luck to you all in your endeavor and wish us luck as we try to follow your example!
We'll be rooting for you and probably asking for your help from time to time.
Jim Barker
member GSG