I have been following this web page for several months and really appreciate the look of the classic fiberglass runabouts. Having rebuild a few sailboats over time I thought a nice little run about would be a fun project. Then one shows up on Craigs list 4 miles from home. So I became the latest owner of a 1961 Catalina Dorsett. Thanks to this web site I went into it with my eyes open. A more experianced member had seen the boat and noted this web site it was a total project with multiple layers of paint and lots of rot. THe decription was correct. After a month of work I have the rotten floor transom and bulkhead out and have tripled my orginal cost with the purchase of fiberglass and plywood. The paint stripping is ongoing. I am having fun and will post more ont he other threads. But a big thank you to everyone for there posting
New member
Matt Nolan
1961 Dorsett Catalina
New member
Matt Nolan
1961 Dorsett Catalina