Hi All! Always had trouble trying to register, may have been the dial-up or the referal person,LOL Gets boring down here in So Cal, lakes aren't all that large so got me a Seafair two years ago with the help of some on the GSG board. Want to use it off shore as its only about 12-15 miles to the launch unless going to Long Beach, thats maybe 40. Working on property repair and waiting for time to get the SeaFair repaired. Needs a new floor and even though the transoms strong? its questionable so will do that also. The 85hp Rude ran fine when purchased. Back to work...:Shocked:
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Was lurking here a few times but ?
Originally posted by Capt. Dan, post: 18334Welcome, Bill! I'm new here also -great helpful bunch and hope to meet them sometime soon! Hey, shoot us some of the SoCal sun wouldja? :Cold1:
ps. I had a 24'+ Marauder that i sold a couple years ago and wish i could have kept it but too much $ for storage and upkeep and with gas prices thought the Seafair would be a good deal. Easy to haul and store so should get alot of use when repaied. Not going to do the works to it, just make it a good, clean, reliable weekender.Attached FilesBill's Dry Dock, in Smoggy LA!
3 CD, G3's. 2 '60's and a '59
1 '63 Seafair; Life raft,Ha!