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  • new member

    I have three glassics, 1961 Dorsett Catalina(floor and transom out still working on it), 1960 powercat (just starting very sound needs only repower and steering), and 1970 fibergalss appleby(finshed and fishing), maybe not old enough yet, 1979 Monark Macfast sf 17(hot115 Johnson 52mph), 1981 Glastron 215(200 Johnson, luvs gasoline) have no groups in New Mexico. I vacation when I can in Washington, luv to fish (Westport, iilawco, forks,):catchfish1:

  • #2
    Welcome to the group.
    We have plenty of events that you can find in our event calendar plus we have several folks that know Lots of nice out of the way places in the Puget Sound and San Juans...

    Hope to hook up with you some day..
    Helmar Joe Johanesen
    1959 Skagit 20ft Offshore, 1959 Skagit 16ft Skimaster,
    1961 17ft Dorsett Catalina.1958 Uniflite 17 ft
    Outboards: 2.5 Bearcats, 3 50hp White shadow Mercs
    2 40hp Johnsons, several smaller Old kickers for a total of 12

    Our Sister club

    Oh, and Where is Robin Hood when you need him??

